Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Want to lose weight, try detoxification. ? Weight Loss-Fitness ...

Nutritionist believes accumulated wastes and toxins in the body are the main cause of ill health, premature ageing and obesity problems. Regular detoxification to get rid of these harmful wastes and toxins helps to improve health, vitality and slimming body.

Our body is constantly bombarded with toxins, both endogenous (metabolic waste produced in the body) and exogenous (toxins that we either breathe or ingest from external sources).It is impossible for us to avoid these toxins for they are virtually everywhere. In our food ? herbicides and pesticides in fruits and vegetables, chemicals and heavy metals in fish from heavily polluted rivers and seas, Antibiotics and hormones in poultry and meat .In our drinking water chlorine, heavy metals, chemicals, bacteria and parasites from polluted water sources and old water pipes. In the air that we breathe, chemicals and smog from factories, vehicles exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, open burning and forest fires.

To effectively detoxify the body, it is recommended that we start with a good and thorough cleansing of the colon, followed by cleansing of the liver, purification of the blood and detoxification of the cells.

Dr Harvey Kellogg noted that toxic colon is the root causes of over 90% of known diseases. The BMA (British Medical Association) has found that over 179 illnesses can be traced to the colon. Regular bowel movement does not necessarily mean that the colon is free from toxins. As food moves through the intestines, bit remains, cling onto the intestinal walls and decompose. Over the years, these ?leftovers? become stubborn, mucus- like plaques. Layer upon layer of this gluey, rubbery substance begins to clog up the small intestines and colon and they become like a clogged sewage pipe. When the waste stays in the colon, it becomes toxic, and releases the toxins into the bloodstream. This upsets the natural balance of intestinal flora ? bad bacteria, yeast, fungi and parasites thrive in the toxic colon and produce more toxins whereas friendly bacteria that help improve digestion and nutrient absorption diminish in this dirty, toxic environment. Furthermore, when the colon walls are heavily encrusted with waste, the body is unable to absorb nutrients from food or other supplements efficiently. Hence, it is not surprising that those suffering from toxic colon would feel constantly drained of energy. It is recommended that we take a supplement that helps dislodge accumulated toxic wastes and balances the natural intestinal flora.

The liver is one the body?s major detoxification organs. Its primary role is to neutralize toxins in foods, drugs and medication, rendering them harmless before eliminating them. However, excessive amounts of toxins can overwhelm the liver, impairing its function. This may cause several symptoms of a toxic body, along with premature ageing. Age spots or ?liver spots? could be a sign of poor liver function. To ensure that the liver?s detoxification function is in top condition, it is crucial to flush and cleanses the liver periodically.

Blood transports vital oxygen and nutrients to all cells in the body, and carry toxic metabolic, waste out from the cells. To remain healthy, every cell requires continuous and abundant supply of oxygen. When oxygen levels are low, cells are ?suffocated? and are unable to perform their function properly. Furthermore, disease causing bacteria and parasites in the blood flourish in low oxygen environment, causing infections and health problems. By increasing the oxygen level in the blood, cells will be properly oxygenated and harmful microorganisms, eliminated.

Science has shown that we are only as healthy as our cells. We become tired when our cells are polluted and undernourished. We become sick when our cells get sick, and we only grow old when our cells grow old. So, it is important that we keep our cells clean and healthy. Cells need a spectrum of nutrients for energy, growth and repair. When cells are undernourished, cell metabolism and function decline, including its ability to repair, regenerate and rid itself of accumulated toxins, causing premature ageing and other illness. To obtain all the essential nutrients required for optimum cell health and performance, recommended you to have a supplement with a bio available, nutrient rich food supplement and live strains of friendly bacteria.

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