Tuesday, December 27, 2011

[OOC] RotG Lore: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

Welcome to the "Roots of the Genesis" Lore on Nixae

This is an informational topic explaining about the dangerous enemies feared by the faeries, known as the nixae (nixi in singular form). These shadow beings deserve its own lore thread, and must be known to all faeries before adventuring into the mysterious lands and caves within Kiden. This lore thread will update according to the discovery of more nixae in the roleplays.

Past and Current RotG Roleplays

The world of Kiden is not one without monsters. Among those monsters are the feared nixae, the spawns of the shadow lands. Created by the figures representing the Darkness, these monsters hate light in general. Some will react painfully towards light, while others are just plain irritated by it. These beings can be spawned near the presence of true darkness, as long as either type of dark is shrouded over the area. The only time a figure of Darkness will spawn beings of their own is when they are needed for a planned raid, called a Shadow Invasion, against the faeries and the giant tree. Each type of dark spawn is from one of the nine figures of Darkness, all based on a certain theme. The people of Kiden must work together to fight the creatures of Darkness, and defend the sacred tree for everlasting life.

Types of Nixae

- Dauhans are considered the most simplistic form of a nixi, due to their body structures being a huge resemblance to the Hymas of either gender.
- Appearances vary on each Dauhan individual. They can have different genders, clothes, hairstyles, body builds, etc. They lack antennae of the Hymas, but have stapled features that define them as a nixi. The skin color of a Dauhan is pitch-black, their hair color is white, and their eye color is red.
- The one thing people will recognize immediately is their blank and emotionless faces. They are silent, and rarely make gestures. Their silence, however, makes them unable to cast magic.
- Their skin reacts violently toward sunlight, hurting them. One of the basic weaknesses of a nixi.
- Dauhans are commonly found in underground caves or near cave entrances. In rare cases, they can be found outside at night or during Rumiaury.
- Dauhans are usually seen wandering or working (like mining, pushing carts, making equipment, patrolling, etc.). They are generally aggressive, attacking any faery they see.
- They're the most common type seen in Shadow Invasions, because Dauhans have knowledge of wielding various weapons and tools. They make decent soldiers in big numbers.
- Dauhans might as well be the main infantry working for the shadows, but each one of them offers a horrifying expression on their faces: a feeling of nothing.

- The Berzerkrs are fearsome giants bent on destroying any living being or object in their path. They are feared among common warriors, and can be dealt with by much more experienced fighters.
- A Berzerkr resembles a huge, fat ogre with a gray skin tone. There are bloody bandages wrapped around their bodies and a metal mask that covers their faces, only leaving a thin visor line and a few holes around the mouth area. Some Berzerkrs wear blood-stained, broken shackles on their arms, and only a few carry around a big, blunt weapon of some sort with them.
- Berzerkrs exhale fumes of darkness out of their masks. When fighting against faeries, they usually yell and scream in anger.
- These monsters are quite rare, even in the underground caves where most nixae are found at. When found, they will easily attack back.
- Berzerkrs under sunlight is a very rare case. It still hurts them, though. When such a case happens, they will begin destroying everything around them until the sunlight weakens them or found refuge from the light.
- One of the good facts about those giant nixae is that they are mindless. There are attempts by faeries to tame them, and most actually succeed.
- This type of nixi in the wilderness is a rare case, but they are quite frequent in Shadow Invasions. These ogres are the brute forces of the attack, as they can easily destroy city walls, towers, buildings, siege defenses, and groups of soldiers.
- One of their abilities, when angered enough, is to let out a violent roar, blowing away objects and people. Upon using this ability will break the mouth part of the mask, revealing their bloody mouths.
- Some say the Berzerkr represents the destructive nature of Darkness.

- Dare I say it? The Token Loli of the nixi types. They can look like innocent little girls, but they are still affiliated with Darkness.
- The Reppalvarines' overall appearances have a monochromatic tone. Their skin is white, hair color is black, eye color is black as well, dresses are white, etc. They vary in types of dresses, and some might have socks and dress shoes. Regardless, they will always have that monochrome look. A dangerous feature about them is their very sharp, deadly claws.
- Reppalvarines are always seen happy, whether it be smiling, laughing, or giggling. They just only want some fun.
- During the day, most are inside the underground caves. When the night time comes, the nixae come out and play around in areas like forests and swamps.
- Their skin does not react violently towards sunlight, but they hate being in places that are too bright.
- Unlike most nixi types, Reppalvarines are one of the two creature types that can communicate with faeries. Unfortunately, because of their nature, they're very stubborn and will only want to play.
- Reppalvarines aren't generally spawned for Shadow Invasion purposes. When there is a raid on a faery city, a couple of Reppalvarines would likely come there to seek joy.
- When Reppalvarines feel threatened or attempt to attack, they primarily pounce on their targets and shred their chests or faces with their own claws.
- Upon being provoked too much, they will start crying and enter a very dangerous state. Reppalvarines spawn huge black spikes out of their backs that act as spider legs. Upon spawning them, it loses large amounts of black blood and will eventually die. Before death, they will tear up the provoker and any being, faery or nixi, near them.
- The little Reppalvarines can express feelings depending on situation and act innocent at times, but they know no morals. Not that they ever will, since they belong to the Darkness.

- The ??????r??????n???s and their love songs... were they singing about each victim they meet?

- If there is anything that defines fear, the B??????????n????????h?e????? just might fit that term.





Information may be updated at anytime. Also, some may be subject to change.

World of Kiden and "Roots of the Genesis" ? 2011
This material belongs to wamken619 and CiksKayVolts and Lucaris.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/WnFIcU1GtcE/viewtopic.php

robert schuller guy fawkes day jesse ventura stevie williams steve williams koch brothers dash diet

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