Thursday, February 28, 2013

US boosts aid to Syrian opposition, rebel fighters

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, left, talks to Syrian opposition coalition leader Mouaz al-Khatib, during an international conference on Syria at Villa Madama, Rome, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013. The United States is looking for more tangible ways to support Syria's rebels and bolster a fledgling political movement that is struggling to deliver basic services after nearly two years of civil war, Kerry said Wednesday. (AP Photo/Riccardo De Luca)

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, left, talks to Syrian opposition coalition leader Mouaz al-Khatib, during an international conference on Syria at Villa Madama, Rome, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013. The United States is looking for more tangible ways to support Syria's rebels and bolster a fledgling political movement that is struggling to deliver basic services after nearly two years of civil war, Kerry said Wednesday. (AP Photo/Riccardo De Luca)

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, center, sits between Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi, right, and British Foreign Secretary William Hague during meetings at Villa Madama in Rome on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013. Rome is the fourth leg of Kerry's first official overseas trip, a hectic nine-day dash through Europe and the Middle East. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, Pool)

Syrian National Coalition President Mouaz al-Khatib, second from left, arrives for meetings at Villa Madama in Rome on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, Pool)

(AP) ? The Obama administration said Thursday that it will provide the Syrian opposition with an additional $60 million in assistance and ? in a significant policy shift ? will for the first time provide nonlethal aid like food and medical supplies directly to rebels battling to oust President Bashar Assad.

The move was announced by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry at an international conference on Syria in Rome, and several European nations are expected in the coming days to take similar steps in working with the military wing of the opposition in order to ramp up pressure on Assad to step down and pave the way for a democratic transition.

"We do this because we need to stand on the side of those in this fight who want to see Syria rise again and see democracy and human rights," Kerry said. "The stakes are really high, and we can't risk letting this country in the heart of the Middle East being destroyed by vicious autocrats or hijacked by the extremists."

"No nation, no people should live in fear of their so-called leaders," he said, adding that President Barack Obama's "decision to take further steps now is the result of the brutality of superior armed force propped up by foreign fighters from Iran and Hezbollah."

Kerry and senior officials from 11 countries most active in calling for Assad to leave said in a joint statement released by the Italian foreign ministry that they had agreed in Rome on "the need to change the balance of power on the ground." It said the countries represented "will coordinate their efforts closely so as to best empower the Syrian people and support the Supreme Military Command of the Free Syrian Army in its efforts to help them exercise self-defense."

Britain and France, two countries that Kerry visited before Italy on his first official trip as secretary of state, have signaled that they want to begin supplying the rebels with defensive military equipment such as combat body armor, armored vehicles, night vision goggles and training. They are expected to make decisions on those items in the near future in line with new guidance from the European Union, which still bars the provision of weapons and ammunition to anyone in Syria.

"We must go above and beyond the efforts we are making now," said Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi, who hosted the conference. "We can no longer allow this massacre to continue."

Appearing beside Terzi and Kerry, the leader of the Syrian opposition coalition, Mouaz al-Khatib, delivered a forceful and emotional demand for Assad to stop the brutality of his forces that have in recent days launched scud missile attacks on the city of Aleppo that have been roundly condemned by much of the Western and Arab worlds

"Bashar Assad, for once in your life, behave as a human being," Khatib said. "Bashar Assad, you have to make at least one wise decision in your life for the future of your country."

The opposition has been appealing for some time for the international community to boost its support and to provide its military wing with lethal assistance, and while al-Khatib did not mention those requests, he pointedly made no reference to the new assistance that Kerry announced. Instead, he urged outside nations to support the creation of protected humanitarian corridors inside Syria, which the foreign ministers said they had "positively considered" by made no decisions.

Kerry defended the limited U.S. assistance, saying it was just part of what was being offered and that other countries would fill in any gaps. He said he was confident that the "totality" of the aid should be enough to prod Assad to start changing his calculations on remaining in power.

"We're doing this, but other countries are doing other things," he replied, without going into specifics. "I am confident the totality of this effort is going to have an impact on the ability of the Syrian opposition to accomplish its goals." Kerry said Thursday's meeting in Rome marked the "beginning of a process that will in fact change his (Assad's) calculation."

Washington has already provided $385 million in humanitarian aid to Syria's war-weary population and $54 million in communications equipment, medical supplies and other nonlethal assistance to Syria's political opposition. The U.S. also has screened rebel groups for Turkey and American allies in the Arab world that have armed rebel fighters.

But until now, no U.S. dollars or provisions have gone directly to rebel fighters, reflecting concerns about forces that have allied themselves with more radical Islamic elements since Assad's initial crackdown on peaceful protesters in March 2011.

The $60 million in new aid to the political opposition is intended to help the opposition govern newly liberated areas of Syria by aiding in the delivery of services and improving rule of law and human rights as well as to blunt the influence of extremists who have made inroads in some places.

The rations and medical supplies for the fighters will be delivered to the military council for distribution only to carefully vetted members of the Free Syrian Army, U.S. officials said.

The U.S. will be sending technical advisers to the Syrian National Coalition offices in Cairo to oversee and help them spend the money for good governance and rule of law. The advisers will be from non-governmental organizations and other groups that do this kind of work.

The foreign ministers' presentation was disrupted by one protester who called on them to "stop supporting terrorists."

Associated Press


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Family missing at sea: Hoax or not, a lesson to foolproof family ventures

Family missing at sea??While the US Coast Guard decides whether the family missing at sea since Feb. 24 is a real family or a hoax, it's a good time to consider the risks of great adventure. Yours too could be a family missing at sea without proper planning, as this blogger's almost was during 12 hours near the Florida Keys.?

By Lisa Suhay,?Guest Blogger / February 26, 2013

The Coast Guard called off a search for a family missing at sea after a two day search effort came up with nothing. Either the Pacific Ocean swallowed the family whole, or the distress calls on Sunday afternoon were a hoax.

While the US Coast Guard suspended its search today for a missing family at sea thought to have been lost aboard a 29-foot sailboat Sunday, suggesting either the whole thing is a hoax or the Pacific Ocean had swallowed them whole by now, I am reminded of the times I? lived aboard a sailboat with my husband and kids. We worried our loved ones to pieces as we had the adventures of a lifetime with our sons.

Skip to next paragraph Lisa Suhay

Lisa Suhay, who has four sons at home in Norfolk, Va., is a children?s book author and founder of the Norfolk (Va.) Initiative for Chess Excellence (NICE) , a nonprofit organization serving at-risk youth via mentoring and teaching the game of chess for critical thinking and life strategies.

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The crackling, garbled, weak radio distress calls ? now being considered a ?possible hoax? by the USCG ?? made from 65 miles off shore and received by the USCG were believed to be coming from a distressed 29-foot sailboat, Charmblow, that was carrying a couple and two children, ages eight and four, says USCG Monterey Bay Station?s Executive Officer Noah Hudson. The USCG was able to pinpoint one of the initial distress calls using a Rescue 21 radio-only line of bearing as coming from the sea, Hudson says.

No sailboat named Charmblow is registered with the federal boat registry, nor had any boat by that name been to call at any marinas along the entire West Coast, Hudson says.

?It?s never an easy decision to suspend a search,? Hudson says. Of the veracity of the radio emergency calls Hudson added, ?I?ve heard distress calls that sounded real and very emotional and turned out to be hoaxes and some that sounded completely fake and turned out to be the real thing. That?s why we take them all very seriously.?

My husband and I have been out there on the water with two toddlers, in bad weather, underprepared, and like this couple (real or imagined) without a life boat or emergency position indicating radio beacon, or EPIRB. We were stupid and we learned fast that as wonderful as the adventure can be, it could become terrifying in an instant.

We ?lived on the hook,? meaning we were always short on cash and anchored off a town, touching the marinas only as a drive-thru for groceries and diapers.

In fact, I will never forget sailing from Pine Island, Fla. to Key West aboard our Jim Brown designed 37-foot trimaran with two pre-schoolers. We hit a poorly forecast tropical depression on the way back from the Keys.

For those next 12 hours, the most terrifying of my life, we could not make any kind of decent contact with any vessel or land station via our outdated radio. At one point my husband was nearly swept overboard when a hatch cover he stepped on gave way beneath him and he hung by his fingertips to the life rail because he hadn?t secured his lifeline.

Because we were living aboard long-term at that point, the folks at Bob & Annie?s Marina on Pine Island knew us well would have responded to the hearing our story on the media with a call to the Coast Guard.?

However, living aboard and cruising is not like living on land. Marinas are not yacht clubs with switchboards. If someone passes through and heads on to another port or says they?re going to live on the hook a while, nobody reports them missing.

People living aboard cruisers aren?t plugged-in to the internet or checking their Twitter and Facebook feeds. Many people with kids who decide to try their hands at ?the adventure of a lifetime? will live on a few thousand dollars a year so the kids can swim with manatee, eat fruit off the trees, and see flying fish as our first two boys did. When our baby cried from colic, dolphins would swim up and bump the sides of our boat because they thought one of the hulls might be ?in distress.?

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It was a beautiful and terrible, amazing and terrifying lifestyle that if I had to live all over again I would, but with far more safety measures and equipment aboard. If this all turns out to be a hoax let it be a cautionary tale for all the parents thinking of taking to the water with their children. While we want our children to have the time of their lives out on the water, we want those lives to be long.

On the chance that it?s a case of a boat from foreign waters, not on our federal boat registries, and perhaps sailing under the social radar, I will still say my own little sailor?s prayer, ?Oh God, thy sea is so great and my ship is so small. Watch over me in rough weather and hear my call.?


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China Plans To Expand 4M Broadband Coverage To 70% Of Its Internet Users

China_flagChina's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) minister Miao Wei announced yesterday?(link via Google Translate)?that the Chinese government plans to increase the number of households with broadband access, and that more than 70 percent of China's Internet users will have 4M broadband service by the end of 2013. The initiative is part of the 2013 Broadband China project, which aims to increase FTTH (fiber-to-the-home) coverage by more 35 million households this year. In 2012, the number of households with FTTH increased 49 percent to 94 million, the MIIT said. The government also plans to expand the number of public wireless hotspots by 1.3 million this year, Miao said.


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Obama meets with congressional leaders on spending cuts Friday

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will meet with top congressional leaders on Friday to discuss the deep, automatic U.S. government spending cuts slated to go into effect that day, congressional aides said.

Obama is set to meet with Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, Democratic Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader.

"The meeting Friday is an opportunity for us to visit with the president about how we can all keep our commitment to reduce Washington spending," McConnell said in a statement.

"We can either secure those reductions more intelligently, or we can do it the president's way with across-the board cuts. But one thing Americans simply will not accept is another tax increase to replace spending reductions we already agreed to," he said.

(Reporting by Steve Holland and Jeff Mason; Editing by Will Dunham)


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Fermi's motion produces a study in spirograph

Feb. 27, 2013 ? NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope orbits our planet every 95 minutes, building up increasingly deeper views of the universe with every circuit. Its wide-eyed Large Area Telescope (LAT) sweeps across the entire sky every three hours, capturing the highest-energy form of light -- gamma rays -- from sources across the universe. These range from supermassive black holes billions of light-years away to intriguing objects in our own galaxy, such as X-ray binaries, supernova remnants and pulsars.

Now a Fermi scientist has transformed LAT data of a famous pulsar into a mesmerizing movie that visually encapsulates the spacecraft's complex motion.

Pulsars are neutron stars, the crushed cores of massive suns that destroyed themselves when they ran out of fuel, collapsed and exploded. The blast simultaneously shattered the star and compressed its core into a body as small as a city yet more massive than the sun. The result is an object of incredible density, where a spoonful of matter weighs as much as a mountain on Earth. Equally incredible is a pulsar's rapid spin, with typical rotation periods ranging from once every few seconds up to hundreds of times a second. Fermi sees gamma rays from more than a hundred pulsars scattered across the sky.

One pulsar shines especially bright for Fermi. Called Vela, it spins 11 times a second and is the brightest persistent source of gamma rays the LAT sees. Although gamma-ray bursts and flares from distant black holes occasionally outshine the pulsar, they don't have Vela's staying power. Because pulsars emit beams of energy, scientists often compare them to lighthouses, a connection that in a broader sense works especially well for Vela, which is both a brilliant beacon and a familiar landmark in the gamma-ray sky.

Most telescopes focus on a very small region of the sky, but the LAT is a wide-field instrument that can detect gamma rays across a large portion of the sky at once. The LAT is, however, much more sensitive to gamma rays near the center of its field of view than at the edges. Scientists can use observations of a bright source like Vela to track how this sensitivity varies across the instrument's field of view.

With this in mind, LAT team member Eric Charles, a physicist at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford University in California, used the famous pulsar to produce a novel movie. He tracked both Vela's position relative to the center of the LAT's field of view and the instrument's exposure of the pulsar during the first 51 months of Fermi's mission, from Aug. 4, 2008, to Nov. 15, 2012.

The movie renders Vela's position in a fisheye perspective, where the middle of the pattern corresponds to the central and most sensitive portion of the LAT's field of view. The edge of the pattern is 90 degrees away from the center and well beyond what scientists regard as the effective limit of the LAT's vision.

The pulsar traces out a loopy, hypnotic pattern reminiscent of art produced by the colored pens and spinning gears of a Spirograph, a children's toy that produces geometric patterns.

The pattern created in the Vela movie reflects numerous motions of the spacecraft. The first is Fermi's 95-minute orbit around Earth, but there's another, subtler motion related to it. The orbit itself also rotates, a phenomenon called precession. Similar to the wobble of an unsteady top, Fermi's orbital plane makes a slow circuit around Earth every 54 days.

In order to capture the entire sky every two orbits, scientists deliberately nod the LAT in a repeating pattern from one orbit to the next. It first looks north on one orbit, south on the next, and then north again. Every few weeks, the LAT deviates from this pattern to concentrate on particularly interesting targets, such as eruptions on the sun, brief but brilliant gamma-ray bursts associated with the birth of stellar-mass black holes, and outbursts from supermassive black holes in distant galaxies.

The Vela movie captures one other Fermi motion. The spacecraft rolls to keep the sun from shining on and warming up the LAT's radiators, which regulate its temperature by bleeding excess heat into space.

The braided loops and convoluted curves drawn by Vela hint at the complexity of removing these effects from the torrent of data Fermi returns, but that's a challenge LAT scientists long ago proved they could meet. Still going strong after more than four years on the job, Fermi continues its mission to map the high-energy sky, which is now something everyone can envision as a celestial Spriograph traced by a pulsar pen.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

KBMOD | Keyboard + Mouse or Die, PC Gaming Community

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Published on February 26th, 2013 | by Dan

If you didn?t know, we?occasionally?do livestreams of video games. Sometimes moments or gameplays happen that we just need to highlight. We have three of those up on YouTube now. Check out some Isaac fail, Slender win and Thirty Flights of WTF.

Nikon and Dan go Isaac racing. Sure victory for Dan turns into epic failure:


Dan tackles one of the strangest games you?ll play, Thirty Flights of Loving:


Nikon meets up the Slenderman and he doesn?t scream like a little girl:


Tags: binding of isaac, slender, thrirty flights of loving, youtube

About the Author

Dan I put the OO in Swagoo. One of the founders of KBMOD. I stream 3 times a week on the Twitch channel and try to write many articles here on the site. I enjoy long walks on the beach and games about children being chased through their basement by their homocidal mother.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

NY wife: Officer wanted to kill me, eat others

FILE - In this Oct. 25, 2012, file courtroom drawing, Federal Defender Julie Gatto requests bail for her client, New York City Police Officer Gilberto Valle, right, at Manhattan Federal Court in New York. The New York City police officer accused of kidnapping conspiracy admits to thinking about abducting, cooking and devouring young women. His own lawyer has shown prospective jurors a kinky staged photo of a woman trussed up in a roasting pan to test their tolerance for the officer?s "weird proclivities." (AP Photo/Elizabeth Williams, File)

FILE - In this Oct. 25, 2012, file courtroom drawing, Federal Defender Julie Gatto requests bail for her client, New York City Police Officer Gilberto Valle, right, at Manhattan Federal Court in New York. The New York City police officer accused of kidnapping conspiracy admits to thinking about abducting, cooking and devouring young women. His own lawyer has shown prospective jurors a kinky staged photo of a woman trussed up in a roasting pan to test their tolerance for the officer?s "weird proclivities." (AP Photo/Elizabeth Williams, File)

In this courtroom sketch, Gilberto Valle is seen in federal court in New York, Monday, Feb 25, 2013. The wife of Valle, a New York City police officer, will testify at a federal trial to explain how she discovered that he was discussing kidnapping, killing and eating women. (AP Photo/Elizabeth Williams)

FILE - This Oct. 25, 2012 file photo shows a passage of a Federal complaint filed in New York, against New York City Police Department officer Gilberto Valle. Valle is accused of kidnapping conspiracy and admits to thinking about abducting, cooking and devouring young women. His own lawyer has shown prospective jurors a kinky staged photo of a woman trussed up in a roasting pan to test their tolerance for the officer?s "weird proclivities." (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

NEW YORK (AP) ? The estranged wife of a police officer struggled to keep her composure Monday as she testified about discovering shocking online chats and other evidence on his computer showing he had discussed killing her and abducting, torturing and eating other women.

"I was going to be tied up by my feet and my throat slit, and they would have fun watching the blood gush out of me because I was young," Kathleen Mangan-Valle told a Manhattan jury that one chat revealed.

Mangan-Valle, 27, also read about plans to put one friend in a suitcase, wheel her out of her building and murder her. Two other women were "going to be raped in front of each other to heighten their fears," while another was going to be roasted alive over an open fire, she said.

"The suffering was for his enjoyment, and he wanted to make it last as long as possible," she said.

Mangan-Valle broke down in tears several times, but the emotional peak of the day came when a defense attorney showed her pictures of Officer Gilberto Valle in uniform feeding their newborn daughter, prompting her and Valle to openly weep as the judge sent the jury away for an afternoon break.

The drama came on the first day of testimony at the closely watched trial of the 28-year-old Valle, a baby-faced defendant dubbed the "Cannibal Cop" by city tabloids.

Valle is accused of conspiracy to kidnap a woman and unauthorized use of a law enforcement database that prosecutors say he used to help build a list of potential targets. A conviction on the kidnapping count carries a possible life sentence.

The officer has claimed his online discussions of cannibalism were harmless fetish fantasies. But in opening statements Monday, a prosecutor said "very real women" were put in jeopardy.

"Make no mistake," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Randall Jackson. "Gilbert Valle was very serious about these plans."

Defense attorney Julia Gatto argued that her client "never intended to kidnap anyone." She added: "You can't convict people for their thoughts, even if they're sick."

A college graduate and New York Police Department patrolman, Valle appeared to be leading a normal life before "things got bad," his wife said. "Weird stuff started happening."

Mangan-Valle testified her husband began asking questions about where she liked to jog, what the lighting was like and whether other people were around. Using spyware on his computer, she said, she uncovered gruesome photos and the names, heights and weights of women.

She also found that he had visited a fetish website that featured images of dead women.

"I was scared. ... I'd never seen that before," she said.

Once Mangan-Valle fled her home and reported his strange behavior to the FBI last year, agents uncovered "a heinous plot to kidnap, rape, murder and cannibalize a number of very real women," Jackson said.

The officer had attempted to contact potential victims, including a New York City elementary school teacher, to learn more about their jobs and residences, the prosecutor said. His Internet research also included the best rope to tie someone up with, recipes, human flesh, white slavery and chemicals that can knock someone out, Jackson said.

Gatto countered in her opening statement that there was "no proof of a crime here. The charges are pure fiction."

Valle, she said, had always been aroused by "unusual things," including the thought of a woman boiled down on a platter with an apple in her mouth. He found a home at a fetish website with 38,000 registered members, where regulars discuss "suffocating women, cooking and eating them," she said.

The defense has denied that Mangan-Valle was a potential victim. Valle had made clear that his wife "was unavailable for any kidnapping fantasy," the defense has said in court papers.

On cross-examination, Gatto asked Mangan-Valle if she declined to meet with the defense before the trial began.

"You're representing the man who wants to kill me," she responded. "No, I don't want to talk to you."

Valle is expected to take the stand to make the case that it was all role-playing fantasy. The defense also is planning to call experts to explain the fetish subculture and to show jurors the videotaped testimony of the fetish website's co-founder Sergey Merenkov.

Merenkov called the site "a clone of Facebook, but it is oriented to people with fetishes that are not considered standard." Asked about the most popular fetishes, he responded, "All sorts of asphyxiation" and "peril cannibalism."

Tiger Howard Devore, a psychologist and certified sex therapist who specializes in dealing with sexual dysfunction and fetishes, said the cannibalism fetish known as voreaphilia isn't common.

"For most laymen, they're going to think about it as cannibalism," Devore told The Associated Press in an interview Monday. "But what it really is, is an obsession about consuming the flesh of the other, and this can have a whole range of expressions. ... It is mostly played out in fantasy, mostly played out in role-playing."

There are well-known criminal extremes like Jeffrey Dahmer, who saved pieces of his victims' body parts and ate the flesh, Devore said, though "the instances of this kind of violence are extremely rare."


Associated Press writer Eileen AJ Connelly contributed to this report.

Associated Press



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Helmstedter Thank you very much. I always see an increase in visits
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Thank you very much

martial ok good work
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Thanks a lot

RickyWrightSEO Delivered as promised, Good Service! Recommended by SEO Consultant Ricky Wright
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Good review. Thank you

ardik85 Thank you! Work is nicely done!
Seller's Feedback:

Nice you too

asen445 Great delivery and great stats provided!
Please note that pages were Indian.
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Thanks a lot. Public together from around the world

rashadprmtm Great Job
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Thanks a lot dear

conartfx Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience.
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks for positive review

Helmstedter Great job, this really helps our traffic
Seller's Feedback:

Thank a lot dear

empoweredlife It was a few trial and error at first but the seller made me happy by correcting the errors and re-doing everything so i would be satisfied. Thank You :)
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks dear a quick response I am also satisfied by your cooperation

theblack A Pleasure!!!! Will do business again!!!
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks and most welcome

jayccel Thank you for the exposure! I appreciate you putting the power of Facebook for my link. Looking forward to the response.
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks for your opinion

Davko Good job !
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks a lot

donpete I like it...thank may not drive ALL of the traffic...but it will get some looks and that is the important part. It has great potential. The order was delivered on time. I have no complaints...good job for sure!
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks donpete

Helmstedter Thank you, great job
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks for excellent feed

Africabeauties Everything as described, done on time. Recommended!
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks for great comment

mikesdmx As Advertised
Thanks :-)
Seller's Feedback:

You most welcome dear

geoffbrand Great gig thanks
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks for great compliment

yashqaraah As Promise Great Works! I will be Back!
Seller's Feedback:

Thank you yashqaraah. Welcome to you next time again

k9korral Thank you for your follow and great service. v1p3r nice
Seller's Feedback:

you also too good

tvcmatrix Great job..thanks!
Seller's Feedback:

I always try to give my best for any buyer

rstergar very satisfied. recommend this seller gabryp1 thanks aljlancer your service is perfect
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks dear

dave123 Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience. MidnightRyder Great work, thanks!
Seller's Feedback:

I always try to give my best for any buyer

mindgap great work! thank you.
Seller's Feedback:

I am just trying to delivery perfectly. Thanks

lyngate Excellent, thank you
Seller's Feedback:

you most welcome

jonah777 Great job!
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks to you

Danito thanks
Seller's Feedback:

you most welcome

Sedativ Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience. seomaster1 Wow! Really you are a great seller & number 1 link promoter on seloclerks. I was confused, you will promote link on 14 million group?s wall but how? Yes! I got 100% perfect & more then my expectation delivery. Highly recommended A+++ and thumbs up to you for great service. I will back to you again.
Seller's Feedback:

you are great buyer too. Thumbs up to you also. Thanks

TBmanag You are a Leader ! Thank you for your great work, I am satisfied in 100%! You are making ??miracles !
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks for your great compliment

hangarstudios Got it done like promised. I should've have been more clear on my target market. Thanks for posting.
Seller's Feedback:

you most welcome. Thanks

xeenastar Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience.
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Thank you so much

quitst8kingME Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience.
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Thank you so much

Trending Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience.
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Thank you so much

Hyper64 Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience.
Seller's Feedback:

Thank you so much

putting4par Nice work. I really like the fact that the Likes were drip fed. Will be back for more. Cheers
Seller's Feedback:

This is my commitment with every buyer

conartfx Fast work.
Seller's Feedback:

As my commitment. Thanks

allmyposts I am happy with the service,

god be with you.

Seller's Feedback:

I am also happy with you

adonf Ok, perfect thanks
Seller's Feedback:

I am always trying to do perfectly not more. I am committed with every buyer. Thanks dear

cjones103 Good Service ollie 80 likes as promised. Actually got more than that. Again. Thank you
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks you welcome again

wearetallorder Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience.
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks dear

CarloCavalli great work adonf Thanks perfect, best regards adonf Ok thanks perfect ollie orded 100 like got 110. Even a good mix of users. Most look like they are from the us too. Thank you great job. ppritcha Delivered as promised. damien Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience. tacitinc Great gig, Ill be back canada Very quick and good service ... zufanas Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience. zufanas Very satisfied! within half a day I got my order. Thanks! frank_sb good frank_sb very good frank_sb Good work independentweb Great. Thanks. PlayersSocial Excellent job, I believe I'd received more than I was originally suppose to have. Thank you. frank_sb Good work MGO15 Great job! Completely satisfied!
Seller's Feedback:

Thanks You also good buyer too

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Seller's Feedback:

Thanks you most welcome

frank_sb Perfect djjohnny thanks great service djjohnny great service i like it darkbasement Very Good work! Thanks frank_sb So good ! frank_sb Very good ! frank_sb Great work icekimi great seller! very good job fourstardeals delivered as promised...Thanks CarloCavalli Good!! adonf Thanks a lot, perfect and very quick. Very kind and professional seller. Best regards adonf Perfect and quick as always, thanks adonf Perfect and quick as always, thanks adonf Perfect and quick as always, thanks adonf Perfect and quick as always, thanks adonf Perfect and quick as always, thanks adonf Perfect and quick as always, thanks adonf Perfect and quick as always, thanks adonf Perfect and quick as always, thanks adonf Perfect and quick as always, thanks adonf perfect and quick thanks! adonf perfect and quick thanks! adonf perfect and quick thanks! adonf Perfect ok, thanks
Seller's Feedback:

Adonf you also good buyer too.

ciao This is the service that I like! Highly recommended! A+++++ adonf Perfect and quick, thanks and best regards frank_sb Perfect ! frank_sb Very good ! frank_sb Perfect ! frank_sb Good work ! seohelper2012 Excellent job thanks! joella32155 Thanks for everything!!! dine2011 thanks vanvera Very fast and professional partner, I recommend it!!! A+++ Quality Chazmcgowan123 thank you for service will use again =) ciao Great Job! Thanks! A++++++ zorobinky Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience. gsavastano good job, thanks gsavastano good work. thanks philloit Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience. frank_sb Very good frank_sb Perfecly delivered ! frank_sb Perfect !

Thank u.

frank_sb Good work, thanks frank_sb very good, order delivered very fast ! frank_sb Perfect job ! frank_sb Very good seller, order perfectly and fast delivered frank_sb Very good ! frank_sb Ok, order perfectly delivered frank_sb Ok, perfect work ! frank_sb Very good ! frank_sb Perfect delivery frank_sb Very good ! frank_sb Perfect ! frank_sb Very good, perfect ! frank_sb Good work, perfect frank_sb Very good job, perfect ! frank_sb Very good, fast and exact delivery !!! frank_sb Perfect ! frank_sb Order perfectly delivered. frank_sb Order perfectly delivered frank_sb Great work, fast delivery ! Amarketing Another great job...I'll come back soon...Thanks Amarketing Great job..Thanks frank_sb Order perfectly delivered, no probs ! frank_sb Order perfectly delivered, no probs !
Seller's Feedback:

fransksb you almost perfect guy. Thanks

ciao well done! A++++++++++++ Chazmcgowan123 just finished my 8th order from this supplier and the same as the last 7 this was completed in hrs:) Chazmcgowan123 Just finished my 7th order in under 24 hrs for all 7, this is incredible service! I can say it enough Chazmcgowan123 Just got my 6th order from this supplier! Nothing but quality likes! All real people :) going again for more! Chazmcgowan123 Helped me reach over 100k on my FB page! thanks for the great service :) Chazmcgowan123 Another order done in less then 12 hrs! Everyone should be using this great deal! Chazmcgowan123 Another order complete in under 24hrs! This is the fastest best service on here! Definitely ording again Chazmcgowan123 Second Order was completed just as quick as the first in under a couple hrs!! EVERYONE should use this users services! A+++ Chazmcgowan123 WOW great service! Started Progressing as soon as payment cleared. So happy purchased more:) seohelper2012 excellent job thanks! seohelper2012 Great job and very fast thanks! ciao Perfect and reliable! Highly recommended! at this price I will order always from him! A++++++++++++++ logan excellent.very fast and friendly seller franku Thanks djlaser Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience. devon123 You always best... Thanks again... devon123 Thank you... best seller.... sammorg Thank you so much for this great service abc2000 Please add your feedback. This will be shown to the wide public so other users can benefit from your experience. andreasa ok ShadyX awesome work madeinvenice PERFECT :D colosimo Everything fine, thanks fansreseller thanks


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