Friday, May 18, 2012

Fitness factions: Blending men's and women's health advice | Health

I?m one of those women who likes readingmen?s health?and fitness magazines. Though they all promise bodies and sex lives that most of us will never have, I?m drawn to the funny, self-deprecating tone, the functional workout tips and the emphasis on sweat, competition and strength training.

Yes, women?s magazines have these elements but on a vastly diminished scale. They?re fluffier, in part because beauty products and clothes are considered health-related, but also because women are still plagued by the irrational fear of ?bulking up.? We won?t get huge without added testosterone, but some magazines still perpetuate the notion that men should build insanely huge muscles and women need to lose fat.

A recent Muscle Fitness magazine cover, for example, promised ?75 of the Best Muscle Building Exercises.? By contrast, Muscle Fitness Hers, the female counterpart to the bodybuilder mag, featured thinspiration, including ?The Skinny on Fat Loss? and ?The Best Natural Appetite Suppressants.? The majority of advertisements touted fat-burning supplements, stimulants and weight loss products.

Men?s Health?and?Women?s Health?magazines have plenty of overlapping content. Both recognize that both genders compete in marathons and triathlons, want great abs in 15 minutes and need nutritional guidance. But the editors use considerably different voices to reach their male and female readers.

?For?Women?s Health, it?s a confiding, challenging, sisterly thing ? equal parts encouragement, sympathy and advice. It comes from a place of ?just us girls,?? said David Zinczenko, editor-in-chief ofMen?s Health?and editorial director ofWomen?s Health.

?Guys tend to be a bit more bracing with their counsel, with a healthy dose of humor ? plus self-denigration ? thrown into the mix,? Zinczenko added. ?First we laugh at ourselves, then we laugh at you, then we deliver the goods straight up, with an expert chaser.?

Women?s Health also uses a larger typeface than Men?s Health. Though it may be simply a design decision, larger fonts can elicit stronger emotional brain responses, according to a study by German researchers.

The direct ?male? approach is what I find appealing. Men?s workouts are usually cast as a way to build a stronger body. Women?s exercises are given cute, superficial names, such as ?The Wedding Dress Workout? or ?The Bikini Body Booty routine.? Rather than sending the message that exercise builds muscle, confidence and improves mental health, the emphasis is on looking good. If your workout goal is to fit into a swimsuit, you?re using an unsustainable approach to fitness. But if your goal is to get healthy ? which means incorporating it as a lifestyle ? you?ll have a body that you want to show off.

Still, some women ? and magazines ? are catching on. At Details, where 32 percent of the online readership is female, there?s a growing recognition that ?the gender boundaries in fitness studios and gyms have been blurred,? said Details senior editor Sheila Monaghan, who edits the health, fitness and nutrition section. ?Fitness has become this sort of equalizer between the sexes,? she said. ?Everyone wants the same results.?

Taking cues from the opposite sex

What women can learn from reading men?s magazines:

1. Worry more about building muscle than burning fat. Women ?focus on working out with low weights and high repetitions, using weights that are significantly lighter than objects they lift all day long, such as children,? fitness trainer Tom Holland wrote in his book ?Beat the Gym.? This increases the muscles? endurance without making any meaningful changes. ?It?s a waste of time,? he said.

2. Play games. Men often think of themselves as athletes; they play pickup basketball, hit the driving range or join a soccer game to keep workouts fresh and fun. Chose an activity over the elliptical machine or treadmill.

3. Learn from real athletes. Women?s magazines often feature workouts from actresses who have to look good for the camera. Men?s magazines are full of training secrets from athletes who have to perform.

What men can learn from women?s fitness magazines:

1. Join a class. Men were the ones who invented Zumba and Pilates; yoga and barre can also strengthen muscles men didn?t know they had, increase flexibility, help prevent injury and shift the focus from boring gym routines.

2. Lighten up. While women could use heavier weights, men can benefit from lighter ones or even body weight exercises. ?With men, the major problem is ego; they want to impress the other guys in the gym,? said Holland. ?It leads to bad form, decreased results and inevitable injury.?

3. Balance: Men typically train their mirror muscles ? the chest and biceps. Incorporating a workout from a woman?s magazine could help target other muscle groups and result in a more balanced physique.

Article source:,0,3815921.story

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Real Estate Misconception ? Wide open Houses Promote Homes ...

Posted on Thursday, May 17th, 2012

For years, sellers possess believed they require at least one wide open house to have their home marketed. They think a lot more is better, plus they even give incentives to visitors along with food, beverages and challenges for their presence.

The myth that wide open houses offer homes may be so shared by the real estate community who?s has taken on the life of it really is own! Dealers even need them through the agents who list their homes and the real estate agents gladly acknowledge the challenge, placing ads in the newspaper and also signs throughout the neighborhood, and usually making sure everybody knows the house is available for sale and open to the public.

The certainty is?open houses flourish in selling home only about 1% of times. With such the lowest success rate, exactly why would real estate agents succumb for the pressure involving holding wide open houses? Since it puts these people face-to-face with prospective buyers who may be interested in a different price range. They could not offer your house with an open home but they perform try to find buyers pertaining to other components while they?re there! And often people inquiring in regards to a property they will see whilst driving by simply typically do not want that house; even if these are serious buyers, their face are often larger than their wallets and handbags.

With such the lowest success rate so why do sellers permit their houses to get opened up for the unfiltered public? There are several stories concerning open properties robbed either during as well as after the wide open house. Sometimes thieves can have up in numerous cars, 1 right after the other. While 1 couple distracts the real estate agent by performing like a critical buyer the other couple goes through the house supporting themselves in order to whatever matches their elegant. Other times, an individual will unlock a screen to make it simple for them to come back later and also let by themselves in.

One of the reasons to list your property for sale having a professional could be the added protection of having any knowledgable agent interview and also qualify prospective buyers before they are allowed to run loose in your house. No one should set foot in your house unless of course they can afford to buy it.

Some open home tips for sellers are:

One particular. Put all your medications, necklaces, guns, cash, coin choices, and possessions locked up as well as hidden off-site.

2. Conceal anything that may be used to steal your identity just like bills, check out books, and also credit cards.

Three. If you have young children, remove anything that would help an individual find out personalized info about your sons or daughters. The names of your children and also pets may be used to lure your sons or daughters into dangerous situations.

4. Get in touch with your Insurance broker about whether your home owners insurance handles any possible liability stemming from the wide open house.

Five. After the wide open house is more than check your home to make sure things are just the way you left it which includes making sure all windows are generally locked.

Half a dozen. Make sure all of the signs released by your agent pointing unknown people to your house are actually removed.

Victoria Jones is a seasoned agent for 15 years & has learning expert improvements in Williamsburg VA Real Estate in part of her involvement from New Industries Team ,a new innovative team for creative persons. Learn All about her website to learn All about her Williamsburg VA Homes ideas over the years.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

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Study links vets to brain disease seen in athletes

(AP) ? A small study raises more concern about the long-term consequences of brain injuries suffered by thousands of soldiers ? suggesting they may be at risk of developing the same degenerative brain disease as some retired football players.

Autopsies of four young veterans found the earliest signs of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, in their brain tissue, Boston researchers reported Wednesday.

They compared the brain tissue of some of the youngest athletes ever found with signs of early CTE, in their teens and 20s, and concluded the abnormalities were nearly identical.

"It's very distinctive," said Dr. Lee Goldstein of Boston University, who led the study with Dr. Ann McKee of the VA New England Healthcare System. "You don't see this in normal individuals."

The research suggests that the cause of the injury, whether a blast or repeated blows, doesn't matter ? it can trigger the same disease-causing process, said McKee, who has long studied the athlete connection.

Further experiments with mice showed that a single blast, equivalent to a roadside bomb, was enough to start the damage ? offering a model to help scientists better understand these wounds and perhaps how to treat them, the team reported in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

CTE is a progressive disease linked to multiple concussions. It has made headlines in recent years with the deaths of some former professional athletes, and lawsuits filed against the National Football League by others worried about the still unclear toll of a sport that can bring repeated blows to the head. Symptoms include memory problems, behavior changes including aggression, and eventually dementia. For now, only an autopsy confirms a diagnosis.

Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is a signature injury of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, most of them closed-head injuries caused by being near an explosion. While many recover fine, others have some lasting cognitive or psychiatric symptoms ? and traditional medical exams can't see the damage, making it incredibly difficult to diagnose what's wrong. Additionally, scientists have long warned that many of those veterans may be at risk of long-term problems such as Alzheimer's-like dementia.

Wednesday's study, while very small, sheds important light on how damaging those TBIs can be even if the person walks away from the blast.

The four young veterans, ages 22 to 45, lived for a year or longer after their military TBIs, but complained of problems with memory, irritability, sleep and other issues before dying of suicide or other causes. Goldstein and McKee found their brains contained broken axons, the nerve fibers that act as the brain's telephone system.

More surprising: Abnormal tangles of a brain protein named tau are a hallmark of early CTE, and researchers found that tau buildup in the brains of the veterans' and the young athletes, three of them who played high school or college football and the fourth a professional wrestler. They didn't see it in the brains of four other young men who hadn't experienced concussions before death.

Three of the veterans had been exposed to blasts, while one had a different kind of concussion while deployed ? and all had had at least one pre-military concussion, from football, wrecks or fights.

While that begs the question of whether the blast was to blame, Goldstein said the mouse study shows a single explosion could trigger that kind of damage. Wind from a simulated blast whipped the animals' heads like a bobble-head doll, severely shaking the brain, he explained. They experienced broken axons and blood vessels, inflammation and problems with learning and memory ? and two weeks later, were forming abnormal tau.

When the animals' heads were immobilized, they escaped that damage, Goldstein said.

He said helmets may be crucial in protecting the skulls of soldiers and athletes, but they cannot protect the brain from that kind of rattling injury and might even worsen it by increasing the load on the neck.

Specialists not connected to Wednesday's study caution that far more research is needed on the possible link between this brain degeneration and TBIs, especially in veterans.

Still, "they are very important findings," said TBI researcher Dr. Amy Wagner of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

For abnormalities to begin so soon after injury triggers questions about how resilient different people are, she said: Who's more likely to recover? How many blows are too many? What other factors could make this slow-moving disease eventually worsen?

A key next step will be for brain banks, which store donated brain tissue for research, to look more closely for CTE so scientists can learn how often it occurs and in whom, said neuroscientist Dr. Sam Gandy of New York's Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He predicts that people who carry genes linked to Alzheimer's disease would be more prone to lasting damage from TBI. In an editorial in the same journal on Wednesday, he suggested studying if gene testing of would-be high school athletes or military recruits might one day help persuade the most vulnerable to avoid those occupations.

McKee said her lab so far has found evidence of CTE in more than 65 athletes and veterans, ranging from the early abnormalities to profound degeneration. She now is researching how to diagnose CTE before death, perhaps with brain scans or by measuring tau in spinal fluid.

"This work raises a number of questions for researchers to explore in further studies. In particular, the animal model developed by the researchers will enable a better understanding of the brain pathology involved in blast injuries and ideally lead to new therapies to help service members and veterans with TBIs," Dr. Joel Kupersmith, research chief at the Department of Veterans Affairs, said in a statement.

Associated Press

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Video: 'I' for Incomplete?

President Obama was asked to grade himself on the economy and he assigned himself an "I" for "incomplete." Keith Boykin, former Clinton White House aide; Steve More, WSJ; and Arthur Brooks, "The Road to Freedom" author, discuss.

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Asthma News | Healthy Today Club


The truth is asthma asthma news is really struggle with is polluted atmosphere. For the treatment of cats with feline asthma a lung disease it is important. asthma news Vitamin B6 has been proven molecular and particularly bad with the increased mucous produce moisture which attracts dust mites and grains.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012


MILWAUKEE, WIS. ? The attic is often untapped space that has a lot of potential for an extra living area. It is an opportunity to add square footage to the home and creatively use the space to fulfill homeowners? needs. Members of the Milwaukee/NARI Home Improvement Council, Inc., celebrating 50 years as the area?s leading home improvement and remodeling industry resource, offer ideas for transforming attic space.
Before deciding how to renovate the attic, there are some considerations. First, it?s important to keep in mind the ceiling height before choosing a new purpose for the attic. It?s also essential to understand if the floor can support usable living space. It may need to be reinforced or replaced before proceeding. Almost every project will require insulation, ventilation, drywall, and better accessibility. Ask a professional to weigh-in on whether or not the attic is suitable for living. Once homeowners have addressed these logistics, they should make a plan for how they want to use the space. Here are some transformation ideas:
1. Bedroom If the attic is large enough, it can be an ideal space for a guest bedroom or privacy for an older child, and it offers optimal views of the outdoors and extra square footage. Proper insulation, drywall, and sufficient ventilation are the key to creating an attic bedroom. Homeowners should also consider options for bringing natural light into the space ? skylights, dormer windows, and solar tubes. 2. Office Space If a person needs to concentrate on work items, the attic is a great spot for a home office. It?s quiet and away from other rooms in the home, so there?s less opportunity for distractions. Make sure the space is wired for a computer, Internet connection, telephone, fax machine, and other technologies. It?s also important to plan where task and natural lighting is needed. 3. Upstairs Sunroom Add dormer windows and skylights to flood the attic with light. Create a cozy sitting room for family members. Complete the area with couches, chairs, wicker furniture, or other pieces to create a place to relax and enjoy the sunshine. 4. Bathroom Consider transforming the attic into a private bathroom. Add closets or shelving for towels and other items that need to be stored. Also, make sure that a ventilation fan is incorporated into the project to avoid mold issues. Use the attic?s architectural details in the space?s design, such as putting a bathtub by a sloped ceiling or wall since little head space is needed. 5. Playroom Give the kids a space of their own to have fun with their toys, play games, and enjoy other activities. Use built-in shelves to store toys or books, so they don?t take over other spaces in the home. Add a table that they can use for arts and crafts. Improve the space with paint and natural light. As the children grow, the space can be converted into a study room or ?hangout? for friends. 6. Bonus Room The attic is a great space for a ?bonus? or entertainment room. It could include a home theater to watch movies and play video games. Think about adding a mini-bar or pool table to create a fun retreat for family members. 7. Hobby Area The attic can give homeowners extra space to enjoy their indoor hobbies. They can spread out their scrapbooking materials, add workout equipment for exercising, or make room for arts and crafts projects. This type of space usually requires some work tables and storage for supplies. 8. Reading Nook The attic is often quiet and removed from other rooms in the home, which is ideal for getting lost in a book. Add decorative, functional bookshelves to store reading materials. The room will also need proper lighting and comfy seating for readers. 9. Laundry Room Homeowners can create an attic laundry room by relocating ductwork, adding a dormer window, incorporating electrical wiring, and adding space for folding and hanging laundry. 10. Extra Storage Turn the attic into a walk-in closet for seasonal clothing, including summer clothes or winter coats. The attic could also be transformed into general storage. Add shelves and hooks to store holiday decorations, garden tools, sports equipment, and other items.
The Milwaukee/NARI Home Improvement Council was chartered in July 1961, as a Chapter of the National Home Improvement Council. In May of 1982, the National Home Improvement Council merged with the National Remodelers Association to form NARI ? the National Association of the Remodeling Industry.
The Council?s goals of encouraging ethical conduct, professionalism, and sound business practices in the remodeling industry have led to the remodeling industry?s growth and made NARI a recognized authority in that industry. With over 800 members, the Milwaukee Chapter is the nation?s largest.
For more information or to receive a free copy of an annual membership roster listing all members alphabetically and by category, and the booklet, ?Milwaukee/NARI?s Remodeling Guide,? call 414-771-4071 or visit the Council?s website at

Posted by admin on May 16th, 2012 and filed under Abode, Archives. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response by filling following comment form or trackback to this entry from your site

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Di Matteo: Reserves could figure in European final


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 9:20 a.m. ET May 15, 2012

COBHAM, England (AP) -Injuries and suspensions to key Chelsea players could force manager Roberto Di Matteo to draft some reserve players into his squad for Saturday's Champions League final.

Di Matteo's future as coach could hinge on whether Chelsea becomes European champion for the first time in the club's 107-year history, but captain John Terry, defender Branislav Ivanovic and midfield pair Ramires and Raul Meireles are all suspended.

Defender David Luiz is also struggling with injury.

Di Matteo says he could "take some reserve players onto the pitch ... I've been trying some things out in training."

Di Matteo gave a debut to Sam Hutchinson last month and the 22-year-old defender is the sort of player that could figure against Bayern Munich.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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DLA Piper supports University of Baltimore Law School with quarter-million dollar donation

14 May 2012

Press Release

DLA Piper is pleased to announce that its Baltimore office has committed a quarter-million dollar donation to the University of Baltimore (UB) Law School for the construction of its new 12-story building projected to open in early 2013. The funds will be used for the construction of two water features that will be named after the firm, including an exterior water wall in the outdoor garden and an interior stair-step waterfall in the lobby.


?We appreciate the generous support of DLA Piper toward our new law center project,? said Robert L. Bogomolny, president of the University of Baltimore. ?The firm?s recognition of the UB School of Law?s reach and impact on the region?s legal community is now a prominent and permanent part of the center, and we?re proud to see it come to fruition.?

DLA Piper boasts more than 20 UB Law School alumni spread across five of its US offices, including Roger Truitt, senior counsel in DLA Piper?s Baltimore office who has served as a member of the law school Dean's Advisory Council for the past 12 years and was honored by the UB Law Alumni Association as ?Alumni of the Year? in 2007.

?DLA Piper has a long-standing commitment to Baltimore and with the Baltimore office being one of the foundation offices of the firm, we saw this as a wonderful opportunity to express our appreciation of UB Law and support the next generation of lawyers in Maryland,? said Paul A. Tiburzi, managing partner of DLA Piper?s Baltimore office. ?We are also excited to be part of a new world-class building that will be a model for future law school buildings around the world.?

In speaking on behalf of his fellow UB Law graduates, Truitt indicated that ?DLA Piper and its UB Law alumni are extremely grateful for the education they received at UB Law and want to see the law school continue to grow in its service to the legal and local communities.?

UB Law School is the sixth-largest public law school in the country and produces many of Maryland's leaders in the legal community. The new building began construction in August 2010 on a UB-owned parcel at the intersection of Charles Street and Mt. Royal Avenue. It will include many green design features, such as innovative air handling systems, the active capture of light and water that would otherwise go to waste and the use of recycled materials throughout the construction phase. Further information on the new building is available at:

This information is intended as a general overview and discussion of the subjects dealt with. The information provided here was accurate as of the day it was posted; however, the law may have changed since that date. This information is not intended to be, and should not be used as, a substitute for taking legal advice in any specific situation. DLA Piper is not responsible for any actions taken or not taken on the basis of this information. Please refer to the full terms and conditions on our website.

Copyright ? 2012 DLA Piper. All rights reserved.

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Patricia Gras talks Emmys, spirituality and reconnecting the world ...


After 20 years with PBS, Gras has started her own producation company. Photo by: Anisworth Duvernay

The Venture spent some time with Patricia Gras, a true inspiration to Latinas. Gras is a TV host and producer of Living Smart with Patricia Gras at Houston PBS and although she is no longer a staff member with PBS, the show will continue airing this year.

She now owns her own independent production company. Patricia has also won multiple Emmys and is a cancer surivor.

Felipe Campos: For those who don?t know, what is Living Smart?

Patricia Gras: ?It?s a show about life skills such as finances, health issues, spirituality and well-being. Living Smart is shown nationally on over 200 channels. Really, it?s a show about getting the most of life.?

FC: Patricia, tell us about winning an Emmy, how did you feel about that?

PG: To me, winning six Emmys means a lot to the television industry. I have won them with a team of great professionals for the documentaries I did over Romania, AIDS and civil rights issues. We have also won another 170 broadcasting awards in addition to that, but I enjoy the work more than the awards themselves, although I am very thankful for them.

Gras has been with Houston Public Broadcasting System- Houston?s Channel 8 for twenty-two years. She started September 1990 as a contract hire, but in November 1991 she became full staff. Gras is no longer with PBS.

PG: ?I still believe in the PBS mission to educate and inform; a network of values and truth.?

FC: What have been some of your contributions as a humanitarian?

PG: Always participate in the community to achieve better race relations and to empower women in the workplace. I have worked with environmental groups, received an award from the African American Chamber of Commerce, Interfaith Ministries and every ethnic group in the community. Although, I was born in the United States, my parents and grandparents were from other parts of the world so I see myself as a universal, multiethnic person. My company, Gras Productions, is about reconnecting the world, because I believe we truly are interconnected.

FC: Mrs. Gras, how is the entertainment business different than other industries?

PG: Entertainment is a creative business, but a fast-moving business. TV is exciting but very competitive and ego driven. With that comes lots of envy, talented people tend to lose themselves because they are not grounded. Take a look at Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, both very talented who reached the pinnacle of success but also really fell hard. I call that being in ?Una Montan~a Rusa? (a roller coaster ride).?

FC: You are a spiritual person, correct? What has been your spiritual journey throughout your life and career?

PG: I?ve always felt a connection to a higher divine power. I was raised Catholic but don?t consider myself religious. I am more spiritual. I believe in a higher power, divine love and a path to higher consciousness. It is something that has helped me deal with the entertainment world.

FC: As a role model, what advice do you have for Latinas in the entertainment industry?

PG: To my Latinas in the entertainment industry or anywhere, keep your priorities straight and understand relationships with yourself and others. Take steps to achieve goals, not just educated goals, but emotional, psychological and spiritual ones. Drugs and alcohol will only help you lose yourself. Have good manners, something crucial in life. Years back people were more family-oriented and valued the importance of manners which builds respect. To succeed, work harder, be more dedicated, and never lose opportunities to be the best you can be.

You can visit her website at

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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